Another Photo For Stir Crazy, Nostalgic Delta Rabbits

Here’s the TRIANGLE—aka DHS yearbook—staff from 1979. I remember feeling like a real rebel rabbit standing on seats in the auditorium for this shot to be captured. I have no explanation for my weird, hippy pose. I look like I’m about to draw my gun in a gunfight. Fortunately for us all, Bow Tie o’ the Day covers up a lot.

Name This Group

My Hogwarts School Bowtie o’ the Day and I cannot recall exactly what this fetching Delta High School gaggle o’ gals was up to. For this late 70’s yearbook picture, we were standing on the old DHS gym floor, while the photographer snapped us from the second floor. I have a vague memory of a DHS Rabbit “pep” organization called the Del-Teens, and I think that might be what this photo is capturing. Got some time to kill while hiding in your own home from COVID-19? Get off your isolating, social-distancing butt, and get out yer bigly Sherlock Holmes magnifying glass. Go forth, my Delta Rabbit pals, and see if you can name every dame pictured here.