Class o’ 81 And 82

Tassels o’ the Day!

Many folks are posting their high school Senior photos this spring, in honor of 2020 graduates who might not be able to participate in traditional graduation ceremonies because we are in the midst of COVID-19. I can’t produce my Senior picture because I never had one taken. I graduated from Delta High School after my Junior year. Although I stepped through the bigly “D” and officially graduated from DHS with the Class of 1981, I will forever belong to the DHS Class of 1982.

Or did I truly graduate? Soon after graduation, I heard a rumor that someone at DHS snooped through my school file (my permanent record?), only to “discover”—according to the burglar—that I hadn’t earned enough credits to have graduated. “Oh, really, my fine little criminal? Counting credits under the cover of office darkness is not your strong suit.” 😈

I suppose that qualifies as my first brush with “fake news” about what amounts to myself and my own beeswax. It was not, however, my last brush with other peoples’ real jealousy of my accomplishments—however teensy or bigly those accomplishments might be. 🤓

Got Nose Crinkled?

After yesterday’s difficult post, I needed a few dollops of lightness and joy. After I posted, I went back to the Skitter/rubber chicken post photos of a couple of days ago—for a quick laugh. Then I checked out some pix o’ Gracie. Gracie’s smile is a perfect antidote to writing difficult posts. Her smile is also a remedy to pandemic stir craziness. Tie o’ the Day is pleased to present a cornucopia of some of Grace Anne Blackwelder’s squinty, nose-crinkled smiles. She puts her whole face into her joy. I, of course, see the resemblance we share in that regard.