The Smart, The Stupid, And The Personal Responsibility


You may have noticed I didn’t write a post this morning. A funny thing happened on my way to the website. I decided to more closely examine The Ultimate SewingBox before I sat down at the laptop. There I stood, right in front of that massive piece of furniture, rapt with wonder. Apparently, Suzanne didn’t see me there when she folded the box closed around me before she went off to work. It is so cavernous that I didn’t even see her closing it on me. Suzanne left. And I got lost in The Ultimate SewingBox’s maze-like insides as I tried to escape its architecture. Only when I got Skitter’s attention by barking to her that I needed help– only then was I rescued, when Skitter clawed open The Ultimate SewingBox to its full expanse.

Being in The Ultimate SewingBox was the opposite of my experience of being folded up in the hide-a-bed in our living room when I was a kid. At least The Ultimate SewingBox didn’t make me claustrophobic. BTW Have I mentioned that The Ultimate SewingBox is bigly? Don’t worry. I’m sure I will repeat that fact on occasion. On many occasions.

Floppy Bow Tie o’ the Day looks relaxed, eh? Cufflinks o’ the Day are symbolic of the fact that I once again ate ice cream for breakfast. To be precise: I ate three scoops of Red Button Raspberry Cheesecake ice cream. I ate the same thing for lunch. Why? Because I can. I am the boss o’ me. The perks of being the boss of your adult self include being able to eat ice cream whenever you feel like it. You don’t need permission. All you need is to make sure you have ice cream in the freezer. Being an adult does not have to suck. Being an adult can be full of sweets.

The downside of being the boss of yourself is that you are responsible for every move you make. Choose the wrong person to marry? Your fault. Get in a drunken bar fight? Your fault. Get a ticket for driving 85 mph in a 50 mph zone? Your fault. Go broke buying too many bow ties? Your fault. You get the idea.

You have the power to fill your adult life with a long list of perks, though. There is a do-over for most of our screw-ups. We can convert our mistakes into perks. We must learn the lesson each bad move taught us. We must work to earn forgiveness. When we get our do-overs right,– when we’ve made the better choices– ย every consequence that follows just might be a perk.

So be on the lookout for bad moves dressed up in perk’s clothing. Eating that ice cream can transform from perk to bad move when it shows up on your belly. You get a do-over on the fun stuff like that too. You must learn to be wise and use moderation. You can still eat ice cream for breakfast and lunch. It can still be a perk of adulthood, if you’ll take your fat gut out for a walk– anytime and anywhere you want– until your tummy gets back into shape. Walks are perks too, right? What negative consequence ever came from going for a walk? Exactly none. Ice cream + walks = a win-win. Heck, eat a Creamsicle on your walk. Balance always leads to perks.

You might as well take responsibility for your life. With some exceptions, you make your life what it is. You make you who you are. Yes, you really are mostly your own fault. ๐Ÿ˜ย ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿคก