Wearing Shotgun Shells

Shotgun shells Tie o’ the Day is one of those ties your face has to be no more than an inch away from, in order for you to decipher what it is. Tie is named by its maker “The Buck Starts Here.” As in buckshot. Clever, eh? My neckwear collection is overflowing at this point, so a tie/bow tie has to have a little extra sumpin’ sumpin’ about it, to be worthy of me adding it to the population of The Tie Room. Clearly, I like Tie. It’s a surprise to have any kind of weaponry on a tie– let alone bullets.

Tonight, Tie and I have made ourselves a pot roast. I haven’t made a pot roast for two or three years, at least. Suzanne started eating a specific diet a few years ago, and pot roast is not on its list of approved menu items. Actually, she can eat the roast if it’s a beef roast, but she’s not allowed to consume the potatoes or carrots. And if you can’t eat the potatoes and carrots with your roast, you ain’t eatin’ an official pot roast.

I’m supportive of Suzanne’s new eating habits. She’s lost 65 pounds. I feel guilty if I eat certain things in front of her, so I try not to do that. And because I don’t want to tempt her into eating her forbidden foods, I wait until she’s not around before I cook the not-good-for-Suzanne recipes. Like pot roast. Suzanne is out at a work dinner tonight, so I am free. Free, I tell you. I’ve thrown food caution to the food wind, and built myself a feast. I’d invite y’all over, but I’m so over-hungry for what I’ve cooked that I don’t want to share it this time. Next time, maybe.

And after I eat, I have to make certain I get rid of all the evidence. There can be no leftovers in the fridge, and I will definitely have to air out the house. There must be no trace of an old-fashioned, meat-and-‘tatoes dinner.

I like carbs and fat. So sue me.

O, Happy Day!!!

Tie o’ the Day’s bucking broncos are pleased to announce that today is a joyous, exciting day for Suzanne. It’s a day she has waited for since we filled up our garage with boxes o’ parts for assembling The Ultimate SewingBox a couple of months ago. We have finally wrangled a talented put-togetherer to build the bigly piece o’ furniture. Suzanne’s nephew, Colton the Cowboy, is coming to our place this evening to do the task. The instructions say it should take somewhere around three hours to put the beast together. I’m betting Colton won’t need that much time to do it. He’s that proficient at stuff like this. (I’ll post pictures of The Ultimate SewingBox in its various stages of assemblage.)

Whew! When the thing is assembled and all its boxes disposed of, we will be able to park a car in the garage again. But mostly, Suzanne will have what will surely be her fave piece o’ furniture of her life. I am not using hyperbole when I say that.

Yes, The Ultimate SewingBox will be standing in the living room on our new flooring. Some people have a fireplace as the centerpiece of their living room, or maybe a piano. We thought of having a custom built-in bookcase across an entire wall of the room as our focal point. But when Suzanne saw The Ultimate SewingBox, and when I said OK to it, the bookcase was off the plan list. The Ultimate SewingBox will fill most of that wall. If there’s room for nothing else in our living room except a folding chair for my butt, the television, and The Ultimate SewingBox, that’s absolutely cool with me.

Suzanne originally planned to put the behemoth in her craft room upstairs, but I used my VETO power on that idea. I would like to see Suzanne occasionally, and if The Ultimate SewingBox is in her craft room, I will never see her again. Thus, The Ultimate SewingBox will become the designated focal point of our living room. It will make me happy to see Suzanne a lot. And not only just to see her, but to see her feeling ecstatic. When she’s happy about something, she has this barely perceptible smile on her face, but you know the smile is there, because her cheeks go up. With The Ultimate SewingBox, she’s going to be so happy for so long that her cheek muscles will constantly be sore. That’s as it should be.

BTW   In regard to my DI hat, I don’t want you to be misled into thinking that Deseret Industries has a gift shop. Nah, the DI on this hat stands for Dauphin Island. When I saw it there, I had to get it. How could I not buy a hat with “DI” embroidered on it? Most of the world doesn’t have a clue about the existence of Deseret Industries, but I do. We do. It’s enough that a DI hat is amusing to the Utah crowd, at least.

And another BTW   I use the exact full name of The Ultimate SewingBox whenever I mention it, cuz the name makes me chuckle. It’s so definitive and audacious and important-sounding. 📦