Hangin’ With A Furry Critter, A Bow Tie Critter, And A Sewing Critter

Bow Tie o’ the Day suggested we re-watch MAJOR CRIMES, and re-arrange books. Sounded good. Suzanne might sew. Only two of her sewing machines are currently on our dining table, so I hope one of those is the one she’ll need. Otherwise, Bow Tie and I will be lugging yet another one downstairs. Suzanne has a sewing room upstairs. But she’s a stalker! If I’m down in the living room, she and her machines have to be there too. Gee, I really hate that. NOT! 😁

Tie And I Are Almost Dressed

Tie O’ The Day is luscious, and it provides full-on clash while paired with Shirt o’ the Day. This holiday season, you’ve seen me wear X-mas suspenders. I decided I liked ’em, even though I’m a don’t-like-to-tuck-in-shirts girl. I decided I wanna wear suspenders sometimes, and I’ve got a suspender or two in the Tie Room. I promised Suzanne I won’t spend money collecting  suspenders. So, here’s my plan: Y’all buy me some as “gifts, ” and my website account—not I– will reimburse you. 😉