Got Holiday Tie? Got Leg Lamp Stocking? Skitter Do!

Skitter is trying to butter me up to let her wait downstairs for Santa. Gonna butter me up? Put on a tie. It’s virtually impossible for me to say NO to people/critters wearing any kind of tie. Want a favor from me? Show up in a tie if you’re gonna ask me for one. Especially if it’s a bigly favor. Skitter’s Bow Tie o’ the Day is also begging for that sexy leg lamp stocking to be filled— with a puppy, I imagine. 🐶 🎄 🐾

Ti(e)me Is A Wastin’

Ties o’ the Day give ya a bit o’ all things Christmas. The snowman/snow plow tie gets me a slew of guffaws every year. If you don’t know the word DABBIN’, look it up in Urban Dictionary. There! Tie gave you the Christmas present of a new word for your vocabulary. Now, I’m off to the Tie Palace to figure out how to display all the as-yet-unworn holiday ties for you, before the end of Christmas Day. I’m crossing my festive pancreas I can do it.

Ties Love Football In December

Football on Christmas Eve! That’s a hit with me and Ties o’ the Day. And…today, my Seahawks are playing the cowboys. (I can’t even capitalize the name of that other team.) I used to watch football with my niece, MiMi, who is my mini-me. Actually, we called it NOT-WATCHING football because we snarked and laughed through the games, while only occasionally looking at the scores. MiMi and I are pretty much an open-mic comedy show whenever we are together. Much snort-laughing goes on among spectators. 🤡 🤣