Ties Can Show Sympathy

Tie o’ the Day and my shirt sensed my apprehension when I Β searched my sock drawer for reading glasses. I keep the glasses hidden, and I don’t wear them in front of anyone. It’s not a vanity issue. I love wearing my regular glasses. I know I could buy some funky reading glasses, or get glasses with bifocals. But I’m not giving in yet. So Tie and shirt are showing solidarity. They don’t know the glasses they sport don’t help my eyesight. (I especially like Tie’s 3-D offering.) πŸ€“Β πŸ˜Ž

Let The Games Begin!

Bow Ties o’ the Day want to play our little guessing game again. They had such fun inhabiting the fridge last week! The spot they chose to pile into this Sabbath day is our Igloo Ultra Gold 50 camping cooler. So make your guesses about how many bow ties you think can fit into a 50-quart container. Here’s a hint: More than 1. 😱

Spring General Conference For Ties

You’ve heard of sand art and chalk art. The Ties and Bow Ties o’ the Day got together to create a tie art flower. It’s a wee bit o’ Spring, before Fall and Winter lay temporary claim to the outdoor foliage. All ties in the floor flower are covered in flower designs. That proves it’s supposed to be a flower and not a sun. Any kind of art project I attempt results in general confusion, and occasional horror, for those who view the finished product. 🎨

Joshua Fought The Battle Of Book-icho

Bow Ties o’ The Day are hinting at something. I believe they think it’s time for me to get a roomier bookcase. Stand-alone? Built-in? I kinda like how this looks though. Having a bookcase that runneth over, makes me seem really, really intelligent. And I wanna see if I can make the book stacks reach the ceiling. They are so close to doing it. I’m pretty sure Bow Ties are just afraid there’s gonna be a book-alanche they’ll be caught in. But I’ll keep ’em safe. πŸ₯Š

Rain Is, As Rain Does

Aside from Marco Polo in the Deltassippi outdoor swimming pool, I’ve never played polo. I can’t ride a horse, and polo garb is hideous. But I do like the hats (helmets?), as Tie o’ the Day shows us. It’s rainy this morning, and I think a polo hat would be a perfect choice for venturing outside. I’ve become quite the hermit, and I hate going to the store anyway. To have to go there in the wet, cold world is just a kick in the skinny pants. πŸ‘–πŸ€Ύβ€β™€οΈ

My Ties Punctuate My Haphazard Fashion Style

I love me my clash fashion! No shirt can “match” this comic-scuffle tie anyway, for example. So I happily roll with it. I’m positive it appears to you that I choose my attire by grabbing the first shirt and tie I find each morning. Well, that’s pretty much what I do. For me, it makes fashion much more surprising, interesting, and clashabulous. And it makes it almost impossible for me to wear the same exact outfit more than once in my entire lifetime. Now that’s an adventure! πŸ‘˜Β πŸ‘—Β πŸ‘šΒ πŸ‘–Β πŸ‘’Β πŸ‘”

Such Is The Life Of The Everyday Housewife

One of the perks of being a writer is that I work at home. But because I’m home, Suzanne expects me to do all the housework. Today,Β Bow Tie o’ the Day and I have the task of organizing storage bins in the garage in such a way that we can fit at least one car into our two-car garage. It’s a chilly day, which makes the garage nippy, so I chose a flannel bow tie. Remarkably, the little thing does the trick. I’m as toasty as burned toast. 🍞

Tie’s Butt Hurts

Tie o’ the Day and I survived our first long-sleeved day since May. 😫 We just returned from a 7-hour tour. Gilligan’s tour was only 3 hours, and look what happened to him and the other castaways! Tie and I didn’t get stranded on a deserted island, but our behinds hurt from driving 400 miles, basically non-stop. We filed paperwork with Millard County, completing the house sale. So we traveled from Centerville to Delta, to Fillmore, back to Centerville. And we didn’t even get home in time to watch Judge Judy. Grrrrr.

Got Puffy Tie?

Tie o’ the Day came to me from Nuk (see Cast o’ Folks page on the website). Nuk is a gem to let me steal his blow-up pillow tie! Look closely to see where ya blow the air in. Tie is handy neckwear if you wanna sneak some z’s—at your desk, in a meeting, on Trax, in church. You don’t have to remove the tie. Just lay the blown-up end on any hard surface, then lay your head down. Dreamland is at your tie-tips. πŸ˜΄Β πŸ‘”Β πŸŒ 

Bow Ties Have A Sense Of Humor

After their fridge adventure yesterday, Bow Ties o’ the Day headed upstairs to their room. On their way, they played a great joke on me. They called me over to the stairs and serenaded me with some sorta-Led Zeppelin, by singing incredibly loudly: “And she’s bow tie-ing a stairway to heaven.” Made me belly laugh for hours. Bow Ties are clever. “They can turn the world on with their smiles.” (If they can sing to me, I can sing to them.) 🎼