Tauna Suggested A Contest

Bow Ties o’ the Day are throwing out a challenge. Guess the number of Bow Ties! Bow Ties and I were cleaning the refrigerator, and it occurred to us: The fridge is the contest place! They gathered around and hopped onto shelves wherever they could fit. They pushed and shoved and bit each other, jockeying for prime spots from which to be seen by the camera. You should have heard the chorus of “CHEESE” when I snapped the pic. 🧀 📸 Those bow ties can belt it out!

Follow Your Tie-arrow

Bow Tie o’ the Day instructs us to be true to who we are, no matter how many people might mock how we travel through this chaotic world. Like wearing a cowboy hat sideways. For me, wearing my ties helps keep me centered. I can’t explain why, but ties and my tie website express an important part of who I am. Maybe using my ties to give people at least one giggle a day is my life’s purpose. That’s okay with me. 🤠 👔