Got Puffy Tie?

Tie o’ the Day came to me from Nuk (see Cast o’ Folks page on the website). Nuk is a gem to let me steal his blow-up pillow tie! Look closely to see where ya blow the air in. Tie is handy neckwear if you wanna sneak some z’s—at your desk, in a meeting, on Trax, in church. You don’t have to remove the tie. Just lay the blown-up end on any hard surface, then lay your head down. Dreamland is at your tie-tips. ๐Ÿ˜ดย ๐Ÿ‘”ย ๐ŸŒ 

Bow Ties Have A Sense Of Humor

After their fridge adventure yesterday, Bow Ties o’ the Day headed upstairs to their room. On their way, they played a great joke on me. They called me over to the stairs and serenaded me with some sorta-Led Zeppelin, by singing incredibly loudly: “And she’s bow tie-ing a stairway to heaven.” Made me belly laugh for hours. Bow Ties are clever. “They can turn the world on with their smiles.” (If they can sing to me, I can sing to them.) ๐ŸŽผ