The Ties Really Did Help Me Out

And as a teenager, I still wrestled with my tie-ality. A snazzy bow tie would have transformed this high school photograph, and me. Bow Tie o’ the Day is helping me reflect on who I was then, compared to who and where I am now. It’s not an exaggeration to say my ties saved me. Three years ago, my bipolarity had me almost beat. I hadn’t worn my ties for years. But when I finally put one around my neck, the confusion lifted. Seriously. I was back in fightin’ shape. 🥊 🏋️‍♀️

Back In The Day

My kindergarten school picture would certainly have represented my soul more accurately if I had worn a tie. But I had not yet discovered that particular preference within me. I refer to those years as B.T.—Before Ties. Bow Tie o’ the Day is illustrating how this photo might have looked if I had been able to show my true self. So I guess I’m officially coming out of the tie closet to you all today. My hope is that you will accept me as I am. 👔 🎀 😜