It’s A Wonderful Leaf

Good eye, Bow Tie! We had just started our walk when Bow Tie screamed, leapt off my neck, and jumped down to the sidewalk! Look at its discovery: One perfectly round, domed raindrop, just sitting on the surface of a lone leaf on the sidewalk. At first, I thought it was a clear marble. But really, it was a marvel. See how ties can open up the whole world for you!?☔️💧

I Miss My Dad’s Fashion Choice

Bow Tie o’ the Day #1 says “Joyous Father’s Day” to those dads who know being a father is more than providing the swimmers that began the baby process. Bow Tie presents the pillow made out of Dad’s overalls and work shirt–made by Kathi’s grandma. Next to it are my overall-striped shorts for today. (Yes, I’m shorts-less while shooting this photo. No need for you to have that picture in your mind.)