It’s Like Finding A Tie In A Tie-stack

Here is Tie o’ the Day’s dilemma: Although Suzanne likes my ties…and although she likes me to wear them…and although she knows I have been collecting neckwear for 30 years, she has never seen all my ties gathered together in one place at the same time. Geez, I haven’t seen ’em all together until now either, since they’ve spent their lives scattered between many closets in two houses. Now that we will inhabit a single house, how and where can I hide my precious neck cargo, so Suzanne doesn’t get scared when she comes face to face with clots of ties? And how can I do it before she gets home from work in a few hours? 👔 😫😧

No, I Really Can’t Tell You What I’m Mailing

Tie o’ the Day is actually #’s 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. It’s errand day up here on the Wasatch Front. First, I had to pick up this neckwear from the dry cleaner’s. Even ties need a steam bath on occasion. Next, I’m post office-ing. I have to mail the funniest thing I have ever sent anyone. And it’s killing me that I can’t tell you about it. If I did (and I am so tempted), I would be  banished to sleep with the dogs in their crate. 📪 After the hilarity at the post office, I’m off to the bank to deposit about 300 one-dollar bills, from the yard sale.  What a full day of happy happy, joy joy! I wonder what I’ll do after the 45 minutes it will take me to complete my errand list. 📋