Thankful Mom’s Still On The Planet With Us

Over the weekend, we drove to Delta to have a Thanksgiving-esque holiday with Mom. Yes, she was in her purple robe. Yes, she was wearing a glimmery pair of earrings. And yes, she wore her Snowman pin. I wore a red-green-and-gold striped Christmas Bow Tie o’ the Day, as well as the infamous lighted Christmas turkey hat I am so fond of wearing during the holiday season.

We never tell Mom we’re coming for a visit. If we called to tell her we were on our way, she would forget we were coming, long before we got there. So our visits are always a surprise to her. She tears right up and tells us we were just what she needed in her day. I have a feeling she does that most of the time with all of her visitors. It is clear she knows exactly who’s with her once we’re there. Skitter snuggles up behind Mom’s back, closes her eyes, and lets Mom pet her. Skitter gets so excited to see Grandma that we can’t tell her where we’re going in the truck until we pass the Delta Airport.

We took Mom a cornucopia of treats for her to snack on until we visit her again. And Suzanne’s bigly treat for Mom was an early X-mas gift of two Queen Bee pillow cases she made Mom. They shout to the world that Mom is the Queen Bee. (As if anyone doubted it.) Mom joyfully posed in her tiara, and gave her version of the Queen’s wave.

For my part, I brought Mom some truly oxymoronic jumbo shrimp, as well as some snootily good cocktail sauce for her to dip them in. Everything in the room stopped while Mom enjoyed her 3 humongous shrimp. She followed that up with some of the Christmas-y spiced gum drops we brought her. At one point, Mom tried to show us her “serious” and “mean” faces. We were laughing so hard at those face poses, we couldn’t lift our phones to take any photos. Trust me—Mom doesn’t wear mean faces.

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