Something I Found Out Only Last Year: Trout Is Salmon

Tie o’ the Week 🤢. Day Six, #2.

Tonight I will be eating my birthday dinner at Chez Suzanne, at our Townhouse By The Church. She asked where I wanted to go out to eat for the occasion. Since she can find a dish that conforms to her diet ONLY at Applebee’s, she is sick of that being our go-to, eat-out restaurant. I know she would have agreed to dine anywhere I picked, cuz it’s my speshul day. And I didn’t want to inflict Applebee’s on her again. Instead, I have inflicted upon her the duty of preparing my birthday dinner. No surprise what I asked for: Suzanne’s salmon. Best. Ever.

I have no problem with the idea of turning 53. I still feel 17, attitude-wise. A much wiser 17, for sure. My body, however, does in fact feel 53. A couple of years ago I noticed that my face looked a bit older than I actually am. Suzanne had noticed it too. We had a “conference at the mound”, and decided that the extra wrinkles are due to my grimacing through Hanky Panky pain for the last 18 years, including in my sleep. I’m confident that ‘splains it perfectly, Lucy.

I’ve always said I wanted to have a sort of Georgia O’ Keefe-esque, chiseled face by the time I die. You know what I mean: Wrinkles and lines that basically map out your life on your face. I just didn’t think it would happen quite this soon. But I’d happily have a birthday every week, if I got Suzanne-baked salmon out of it.

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