My Hanky Panky Has Lasted 53 Years

Tie o’ the Week went with us to H and R Block to last night to help us get our taxes done. All went dandy. But it annoys the Heck Tate out of me that we always have to pay state taxes, no matter how bigly our federal refund might be. Do not misunderstand me: I do not begrudge paying taxes. I learned decades ago the truth of what Dad always told me about paying taxes: We get more out of a tax dollar than out of any dollar we spend otherwise. But come on, Utah. Get your tax code together!

According to both state and federal tax laws, I cannot claim my neckwear as dependents; but they are always welcome to live with us. They are every bit as much a part of our family as our mutts.  You should see our Homely Family Evenings!

In fact, Suzanne and I have even considered not selling the Beach House, for the sole purpose of using it to house ALL my ties and bow ties. They could enjoy the place the way we used to, right down to spending time on the porch. And they would feel comfortable enough to be outside to do the yard work that desperately needs to be done. Nobody is angry enough at them to put them in danger. On the other hand, if the house went up in flames, they would be trapped. It’s a big decision for us.

The above shirt is from our trip to Disneyworld back in 2004. The “Grumpy” name tag expresses my current, Day Six feeling about this foray into Tie o’ the Week. You can bet I will not attempt this again. Even Mercedes has made known her boredom with days of looking at the same tie. I’m relieved to know it’s not just me dealing with such impatience.

2 Replies to “My Hanky Panky Has Lasted 53 Years”

  1. Aw, you lnow iI was writing my comments after bedtime last night. Naturally, I would be weary of anything.

    Love to you and your 53 year old body. Including your panky, little scamp that she is.

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