Showing Off My Slippers Again

When you have something really groovy, show it off. Show it off often. Thank you again, Georgia Grayson Wadsworth for crocheting me these slippers over a year ago, for my Hanky Panky surgery stay at Huntsman. I never tire of my friend-made slippers, and I never tire of feeling grateful for what others do to help me on my life’s adventure.

It is quite freeing to feel gratitude. Feeling appreciative is one indication somebody has actively loved you. It means someone thought enough about you to offer a kind word; make a needed loan; give a sheltering hug in a time of loss; flash a smile across a room of strangers; etc. The list is infinite. And if you’re not feeling gratitude for anything, you aren’t paying attention. At the very least, you are reading this right now, and who do you think I’m taking the time and effort to write it for? You, of course. Even if you’re bored with this particular post, I wrote it for you. It’s not much, but it’s one way I can show I care about you. We should all be more grateful for whatever parts we play in each other’s lives.

Other good people can find value in stuff that makes you joyous, just like you can find value in theirs. (Stay away from selfish, jealous people who can only appreciate something if they own it.) In a nutshell, that’s what my tblog is all about: I love wearing ties and telling stories, and I want to share them with others. Sometimes I write a lot. Sometimes I write a little. Sometimes a post is sarcastic. Sometimes a post is downright profound. The neckwear is always splendid, at the very least.

I’m sure I’ll show off my bow tie slippers here again and again over the coming years, but I probably won’t climb back up on the dining table to show them off with a Neckties o’ the Day puzzle. That is not a do-over. The standing-on-tables part of my life is now done. I guess I just needed to do it one more time. I’m grateful I did it, and I’m grateful I don’t want to do it anymore. I’m sure I’ll live a longer life by keeping my Bow Tie Slippers o’ the Day on the floor.

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