My Spock Ear Is Cold Again

There is no chill in the world that can’t be solved by wearing a comfy sweater, bigly ear muffins, and a wood Bow Tie o’ the Day. Seriously. Don’t tell me I’m wrong about this unless you’ve tried it.

That reminds me. It’s time for another episode of Weird Scribbling In My Notebooks, in which I relay some nuggets I’ve written in my notes over the years— trying to figure out what I meant and/or why I thought they needed to be written down in the first place. These gems are from one of my 2010 notebooks.

#1 “Secret of life: Don’t get hit by a firetruck.” That pretty much explains itself, I guess. I kinda don’t know why I felt the need to record that bit o’ common sense in the first place, but ok. One really should not forget it.

#2 “My scalpel eye is cutting through to a clean, factual thing.” Sounds like I figured out something all by myself.

#3 “Am I killing this pen, or what?” I must have gotten a new pen I liked.

#4 “The Last of the Dead Shot Bubbas.” I have not one idea what that was about. I’m guessing it was a possible title for a Delta story. I dunno.

#5 “Credit on earth is bad. Credit in Heaven is good.” Let’s see: Incurring and paying bills = earthly rewards. Loving others builds up credit in your favor in Heaven= Heavenly rewards. Plus, actively loving others is just the right thing to do. CTR, all the way.

#6 “Speaking of coloring inside the lines— coloring hair is coloring ONLY the lines.” Now, that’s just seeing hair from a different perspective, pointing out that every hair is a line you can shape, cut, and/or color.

#7 “Callings don’t show up on your phone bills.” True. Usually the bishop just asks to meet with you. (Har, har, har.)

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