Is Defense Allowed In Football Anymore? The Scores Are Higher Than Suzanne’s Fabric Bill.

These football Ties o’ Day are here to tell you that it is my firm belief the Christmas season begins with the football games on Thanksgiving. I should also say that Thanksgiving football could only be better if the Dallas Cowboys didn’t play every year. Ewwwww. That’s also my firm belief. (Go, Seahawks!)

We don’t do a bunch of Black Friday store-goin’– except for Suzanne annually spending the day after Tgiving at JOANN’s with her JOANN’s coupons. She’s there right this minute. I got a text from her about an hour after she’d entered the store, and she told me there still wasn’t a shopping cart available. Poor girl. She was carrying bolts of fabric in her arms, up and down the aisles. I offered to bring her a sled to haul her dry goods. She did text me after she’d been there another hour or so to say she finally got a cart, which means she can buy more material than she can carry. Oh, joy.

Suzanne is incredibly clever about the way things work at JOANN’s. For example, she knows that when it’s busy you have to take a number to get your material cut. What does Suzanne do? She doesn’t shop for her fabric first. Nope. She takes a number the minute she walks in, then  shops. Her number this morning was 02, and the cutters were on customer 71. Yay! Suzanne is only 31st in line for the scissors-wielding clerks. That’s better than some other years. Today, she’s been gone for almost four hours so far. JOANN’s is only two blocks from our house, so none of it is travel time.

I’m hoping she buys material for a cape. I really, really need her to sew me a new cape or two. It is the season of giving, you know. And I especially love her hand-made gifts. Capes are the grooviest. Did I say I want a cape for before-Christmas? Consider it said. Can you tell I want a cape? If you see Santa, please put in a good word about a new cape for me. And if you see Suzanne, do the same. I will never, ever ask her for anything again in my whole life if she will make me a cape. Cape, cape, cape. Hint, hint, hint.

HOLIDAY TIE TALLY:  17 Bow Ties. 45 Neckties.


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