Finally, A Measurable Blanket O’ Flakes On The Grass!

Snowflake Bow Tie o’ the Day is accompanied by more snowpeople Ties o’ the Day. I particularly like the Santa snowman, created by the reindeer.

The snow falling outside makes it extra sure I’m declaring Pajama Day. I’d rather sit at the bigly windows and watch the world whiten up than go out into the scene. Suzanne’s sleeping in (like that’s a new weekend thing), but I’ll inform her of PJ Day as soon as I hear her stir.

I already know what the day will look like inside our house. Suzanne will spend all day wearing out the new flooring by skipping between the ironing board and her Ultimate SewingBox– which we pretend is our fireplace, cuz it takes up one entire living room wall. That’s how she will spend every minute of her day. That’s it. And do you know what? I enjoy watching Suzanne be sew happy. (See what I did there with the “so/sew” thing?) BTW Suzanne did come home from the JOANN’s sale yesterday with material with which to build me a Christmas cape. She’s a spot-on chooser o’ fabric. She also found a bow tie-shaped cookie cutter at JOANN’s. Goal!

Here’s what Skitter’s Pajama Day will be: the same as almost every day. She will curl up under her blanket, right next to me on the loveseat– until the alarm clock in her head tells her it’s 11 AM and, therefore, time for one of her three daily chews. (I’ll tell you all about her “chew dance” in another post.) She’ll eat her chew way too quickly, then she’ll want to potty out back. Today, she will be offended that her feet have to touch snow.

After consuming her morning chew, she will jump onto her bed on the couch, whereupon she will look at me from across the room with her eyes that say, “Hey, you! Can’t you see I need my blanket delicately arranged on my entire body? Don’t you know my routine?” And then, Skitter will sleep until late afternoon when we go on her walkie, stopping to pick up the mail on the way home.

And then she’ll curl up in her couch bed under her blanket again, until the alarm clock in her head tells her it’s 7 PM– time for her second chew o’ the day. Then back to the couch bed and blanket. Another backyard potty. More couch and blanket. One more backyard potty, then upstairs to her crate in the bedroom– where she gets what we call her “crate chew.” Whew! It’s nice when the kids are in bed.

No one knows when Skitter eats. She dares to drink her water in front of us, but she still won’t eat her actual food if we’re around. (She doesn’t mind eating her chews in front of us.) Oh, occasionally she’ll bring one piece of her dog food to one of her beds, where she chomps it voraciously. That’s all we ever actually see of her food-eatin’ . But her food bowl ends up empty, so we know she’s eating. Sneaky, skittish Skitter.

What will I do with today, in my Pajama Day attire? I dunno. I’ll let you know what happened. It’s what I do.

HOLIDAY TIE TALLY: 18 Bow ties. 48 Neckties.

2 Replies to “Finally, A Measurable Blanket O’ Flakes On The Grass!”

  1. Pajama day is the best! Binge-watching a series of some sort sometimes happens on a pajama day, too. Pajamas are a little bit harder to use in a post, however.

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