I Go To Such Exotic Places

Suzanne told me she needed sand. I was hoping she was planning to build me a sandbox to play in, in our backyard, but it turned out that she actually needed sand for some wild gardening adventure she thought up. Off we hauled our butts– and Bow Tie o’ the Day– to Home Depot again. Sand weighs a lot, but it doesn’t cost a lot. I like that. Of course, I’m not allowed to do bigly lifting these days, so Suzanne had to do my usual hefting job. When I’m myself physically, I tend to stay in shape by lifting things for her. When we’re out shopping somewhere, Suzanne inevitably gets her arms full of stuff and then asks me to hold her purse. Out of habit, she asked me to hold it a week or so ago, and out of habit I obediently took it. Bad move! I guarantee you her purse weighs more than any bag o’ sand you can buy at Home Depot. I know for a fact it weighs more than Skitter, because I weighed each of them. 🏋️‍♀️ (I do weird things like that when Suzanne’s at work and I’m home alone, procrastinating sitting down to my daily writing routine.) BTW When I was shooting these selfies, the sun was directly in my eyes, which accounts for the expression on my face in the photo with BatSuzanne in it. I appear to be  avoiding a punch I see coming my way in a UFC fight. 🥊 😸

2 Replies to “I Go To Such Exotic Places”

  1. Bat-Suzanne always has too much crap in her purse. Helen can never have too many bow ties or ties and I’m happy to carry them for her when they weigh too much.

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