I Can Hear Me Now

Argyle Bow Tie o’ the Day is pleased as fruit punch to be the piece o’ neckwear chosen to show off my new hearing device. I’ve already had to wear a hearing aid in my right ear for two years. Now it’s time for my left ear to get some extra hearing help. While y’all have been out pilfering all the tp, I got set up with my left hearing device. Yup, I can hear better. Nope, I no longer need to crank up the tv volume to Suzanne-annoying decibels. Overall, I think my hearing devices are gonna do the hearing trick for me, as long as I can remember to take them out of my earballs before I enter the shower. There is, however, one minor glitch I’ve got to work out between my left ear and its hearing device. My left ear is my pointy Spock ear, and the hearing device fits a bit precariously on top of it. It falls out of place sometimes. I must work on a solution for that. If all else fails, there’s duct tape.

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