Climbing The Walls

Snowflake Bow Tie o’ the Day is as enamored with this piece of wall art as I am. These climbers have muscles and spirit. They climb this same wall, 24/7. 365. This artwork is on display in the lobby of the office building where my primary doctor, Dr. Blaze, does his doctoring.

I had an appointment with Dr. Blaze today, regarding my painfully misbehaving right shoulder. As I suspected it would be, Dr. Blaze told me it’s MRI time. And he referred me to an orthopedic surgeon.

Let me be clear about this point: I do not want to have another operation this year. Or ever. But if I do have to get my shoulder amputated or some other macabre thing done to it, I need to have it taken care of by the end of this calendar year. With my pancreatic surgery a few months ago, I definitely reached my insurance out-of-pocket expenses for the year– so no matter what medical tests or procedures I might need over the next six weeks, my health insurance will pay for every penny. On January 1st, 2019, all the deductibles re-set. Ah, the cycle of insurance life.

If I’m going to break a leg while cooking… if my shoulder is going to disintegrate… if a shard of metal plans to lodge itself under one of my fingernails… if I’m going to be the victim of defenestration… it needs to happen in the next six weeks, so I don’t have to pay any health insurance deductibles.

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