DIY Neckwear

Bow Tie o’ the Day is one of my recent DIY neckwear creations made of generic LEGOS. It’s all about creative play and having a laugh. So is drag. One of the first films I remember watching with my parents on television was SOME LIKE IT HOT, wherein Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis try to pass as female musicians in a band, in order to not be killed. It is a brilliant comedy, and Mom and Dad and I laughed from the minute it started. It was about fun. Dustin Hoffman in TOOTSIE and Julie Andrews in VICTOR/VICTORIA were fabulous cross-dressing, gender-playing roles I will forever treasure. Robin Williams’ cross-dressing character in MRS. DOUBTFIRE will always be breathtakingly hilarious. If you are too young to have seen Flip Wilson’s “Geraldine” character or any of Milton Berle’s female characters, please check them out on YouTube, so you can catch up on amazing comedic—sometimes serious—drag work. And those are but a few examples of the craft of drag. I would probably have to say my all-time fave pop-culture drag character is Jamie Farr as Max Klinger in M*A*S*H*. We have all enjoyed drag performances throughout our lives, and each one of us has turned out to be exactly who we were meant to be. Drag is about playing with gender roles, and watching it from m childhood on never confused a one of us about who we are. It is simply fun performance.