It Was A No-Tie Kind Of Day

A while back, it was Skitter’s first scheduled canine playdate here at our abode. First. Ever. Suzanne’s Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Ron had driven up from Mesquite so Ron could attend his billion-year class reunion. They needed a Sadie-sitter while they were at the event. I was all-in to see how Skitter would do with a stranger-dog in our house. The mood was amusingly tense with Princess Sadie in the house. There was no weeping or wailing or barking or gnashing of teeth, although there was some slight doggie lip-curling and doggie bearin’ o’ the teeth. For most of their playdate, the mutts busied themselves with circling and sniffing each other’s various body parts. For hours, it was like watching a boxing match of only rope-a-dope strategy. Although Skitter and Sadie were fascinated by each other, they made certain their noses and fur and paws never actually touched. They were probably afraid of each other’s cooties. The closest they got to each other was when they simultaneously put themselves on my lap to claim me. Somehow, their jealousy did not erupt into a proper dogfight. They just stared at each other for the longest time, occasionally priming their mouths to attack. It was nothing more than theatrical threat and a tiny slice o’ harmless mouth-snapping. The dogs seemed happy with the afternoon adventure, and a good time was had by all in attendance. Skitter now wants Sadie to visit for an entire sleepover. I will have to think about that. If their sleepover is going to be anything like the sleepovers with my pals at my house when I was young, the smart thing would be for me to just say NO and hope the subject never comes up again. (We had way too much fun at those sleepovers back in the day! And our lips are still sealed about most of the happenings.) 🐢🐩

3 Random Bow Tie Selfies From My Long Break

Be patient with me. I’m so glad to be TIE O’ THE DAY-ing again, but I’m out of the swing of it. I haven’t quite gotten back into the rhythm of writing posts as easily as I’d like. I’m working on it. So this morning I present three different Bow Ties o’ the Day from April and May. In the first one I was getting my hearing aids tweaked at my ear doc’s office. He is a maniac golfer and I was showing him my newest golf cap. In the second photo, I’m at the Apple Store. You can see Suzanne behind my right shoulder, picking out Apple Watches for us. I’m sure she hoped a new gadget would raise my spirits. I don’t remember where we were driving in the third picture, but at least I was wearing my honey bear Olympic lapel pin. 🏌️⏰🍯