Two Updates

TIE O’ THE DAY is at the ready to keep y’all informed as to what’s up. And what’s up today is the current state of my right eye socket, after I pulled my own truck door into it last week. Bow Tie o’ the Day can verify it looks much worse than it feels. I seem to display new colors on my eyelid and forehead almost daily. It’s as if I’m wearing a rainbow on my right orbital region. And the second update concerns the fact that today is the 1-year anniversary of my most recent Cranky Hanky Panky surgery. Here’s a Breast Cancer Awareness Ties o’ the Day photo of my belly, showing you how my most recent incision is healing. The 5-inch horizontal scar is from my 2018 pancreas surgery. The 7-inch vertical scar is from last year’s operation. I am an excellent healer, eh?

The Race Is On

It’s a TIE O’ THE DAY tradition. When an important election rolls around, I drag out Chia Mitt Romney (representing the Republicans) and Chia Barry Obama (representing the Democrats) for a Chia “hairdo” race. As in the past, whichever head grows the best hairdo, it is a safe bet that their respective political party will do well in the November election. Let the political sprouting begin! TIE O’ THE DAY will keep you updated on this hairy race.