When Oakley Was A Wee Sprite

Here are some photos of a small Oakley, in my Delta living room. Her Frida Kahlo eyebrows were already coming in strong. Those rubber balls she just had to have hit the living room walls more times than I can count that day. Seriously, that girl could throw with gusto!

Whenever a new Delta grandniece or grandnephew was born into the family while I still had the house next door to Mom’s in Delta, after holding each of the babies for the first time, a word would come to me about a trait I suspected they harbored somewhere in the core of their spirit. It felt kind of like I got a vibe from the baby’s soul. I have kept a list of each child’s word, but I have not shared them with anyone, not even the kids themselves. The word that came to my mind as I held Oakley Jane Shiner in my arms for the first time was this: WHIP-SMART. As you who knew Oak must already know, my vibe was accurate. Oakley had a keen mind. Always. I think she was working on how to make her whip-smart brain show us something wild and original. It’s a pity we won’t see what brilliance she could brew up for us to see.

Oakley’s funeral will be held at the Delta 1st Ward on Saturday, October 8, at 11 a.m.. Viewings will be held Friday, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Nickle Mortuary; and at the Delta 1st Ward Saturday, 9:30 to 10:40 a.m., prior to the service.

If you feel inclined to donate funds to assist with Oakley’s funeral and hospital bills, there is an account in her name, Oakley Shiner, at any branch of Zion’s Bank.

And Flights Of Angels Sing Thee To Thy Rest

TIE O’ THE DAY is in mourning over the loss of my grandniece, Oakley Jane Shiner. She would have been 18 next month, on November 4th. For those of y’all who might not already know, Oakley was a passenger in a horrible car crash in Delta on Saturday. She was first taken to Delta Community Hospital, and then she was taken by Life Flight to Utah Valley Hospital—where she died later that night. She was surrounded by her family, and we adored her. Suzanne and I were blessed to be there. Oakley went peacefully, except for the sound of our crying and our hearts breaking inside her hospital room. Her siblings, Calab and Kenna were with her through the last moments of her life. They will miss their big sister immensely. Oakley’s promising life had barely begun. It would have been a blast to see all the places she would have taken herself in life. We love you, Oakley. And we missed you the moment you left us. By the way, your make-up looked spiffy right up to the end.

I want to do a few more posts about Oakley throughout this week. I found some pictures of Oakley and my Rowan that I wish to share. Also, a secure fund is being set up this morning at one of the local banks. All funds donated to this account will go directly to pay funeral costs and hospital bills. Nobody will be able to access the money for any other purpose. I’m sure I will be able to give you the specifics of where to donate to this fund in my afternoon post today. Oakley’s funeral arrangements have not yet been finalized, and I hope I can give you that information this afternoon, as well. Thank you for the condolences you have already shared with me and the rest of Oakley’s family.

In Oakley’s name, hug your kids and grandkids a little tighter today. 💔💔