The First Post-surgery Night Out

I didn’t go “black tie.” This is the wardrobe I settled on for a long-awaited, much-needed evening in the City of Salt. I doubled-down on paisley with a baby-blue paisley shirt and a paisley wood Bow Tie o’ the Night Out. My floral jacket clashed sweetly with my paisley. Note the polka dot necktie lapel pin on it. And I topped off my outfit with a friendly Face Mask o’ the Evening. I wore my Suzanne-made black cape to the theater instead of a coat, but I forgot to snap a picture of it. (That’s not like me. Sorry.)

We went to a reading by the NYC writer, David Sedaris at the Eccles Theater. He’s a smartly funny guy, and both Suzanne and I are smitten with his humor. This was our second time seeing him read his stories. If he comes back to SLC, we’ll be in the audience again. He doesn’t tell jokes, he tells stories dotted throughout with humor that makes you laugh all the laughs of the rainbow—from chuckle to giggle to snort-laugh. His observational stories about his experiences during the pandemic were masterfully clever and on-target. It was a joyous night out. Until this morning.

Suzanne and I were out of the house a grand total of three hours last night, and my body seemed to handle the goings-on without any problem. However, when I woke up this morning, I almost immediately fell asleep again and didn’t wake up until after noon. I then got up to potty Skitter. I then pottied me. And then I fell asleep again, for another two hours. I am currently watching Judge Judy AND writing this post, and I feel my eyelids getting very heavy. Got stamina? Jeez, I apparently don’t have much. I’ll sleep on it. 😴 🛌