A Field Trip To The Holiday Dog Toys

Post-surgery, I’m spending so much time napping, nodding off, and dozing lately that I haven’t been getting out of the house much. I am now trying to get in the car and haul out of the neighborhood at least once a day, even if it’s only for an hour. Here I am browsing in the shops at Station Park on Saturday. I chose to wear a snarky, conspiratorial Face Mask o’ the Day for the brief outing. You are also witnessing a rarity of a Bow Tie o’ the Day in this selfie: a solid-color bow tie, and in gold. Two things you can count on me usually NOT wearing are solid colors and/or the color gold. It is my not-humble opinion that solid colors don’t try hard enough to entertain people, and the color gold tries too hard to be oh-so important. But some days you just have to step out of your comfort zone and do something not-you. It makes you relate to the world differently, and it makes the world see you in a slightly different light. The discomfort of wearing something which is not-you helps you remember who your deepest soul really is, and it’s certainly important that you never forget what your singular soul is all about. After all, you’re the only you we all have. Don’t betray yourself by trying to be somebody else.