Have Mask, Will Wear It

This smooshed diamond-point Bow Tie o’ the Day was my chosen companion today. Y’all saw this same Face Mask o’ the Day in a post yesterday, but I washed it and wore it again. This mask agitates me. In terms of grammar, there should be a hyphen between the mask’s two words: it should read, “immune-compromised.” I’m sure the lack of a hyphen here doesn’t obscure the meaning of the words for anybody, but it just ain’t grammatically correct. Since I’m the one wearing the mask, I don’t have to look at the ill-punctuated words myself, but I know what others can see—and it gives me the oogies just knowing there’s a hyphen missing on my mask. I will probably have to use a Sharpie to add the correction myself before I can wear it again. I get so vexed and ramped up about these linguistic concerns. I also know most other people do not give a hoot about such things. Okay. I’m now going to try to calm my syntactical nerves down. I shall simply find a thick, dusty, boring book of complex grammar rules to read until my blood pressure goes back down to normal and my hives recede. And then, I will be just fine again. 😷😱