The Department Of Helenland Security

Apparently, my Facebook account was hacked last night or early today, as many FB friends already know. It seems some of my FB friends were sent a video from me, which really wasn’t from me at all. If you received the video link, DON’T OPEN IT! Nobody knows what it is, but it ain’t from me. Let’s be cyber safe, boys and girls! And that means not opening files of any sort when we aren’t sure where they came from or what they are. Trust me—if I ever send y’all a link to something, I will be clear about what it is. I will make sure it’s safe before I send it. Sorry for any inconvenience that the link I didn’t really send might have caused you. ( was not harmed.)

Having said all of that, it won’t surprise you to know that keyboard Tie o’ the Day and I have spent most of the day investigating how this relatively minor mix-up happened. I don’t have any sensical answers yet, and I hate not having answers. I spent a couple of hours changing passwords and running overall security checks on the three computers I use. Everything checks out as A-OK. But seriously, what demented soul would want to hack a Facebook blog about ties? Could there possibly be another tie-obsessed, eccentric writer out there who is jealous enough of my neckwear posts that they feel the need to steal them? As far as I can tell, writing about ties is not a competitive sport. But I suppose I could be wrong. 💻🖥⌨️👔