I’m Trying To Make Zero Noise

Tie o’ the Day is a luscious Art Deco print. My harlequin Cape o’ the Day was made by Suzanne, as per usual. Suzanne is feeling under the weather, so she took the day off to sleep. I have neither seen nor heard her stir all day. I have done my best to not wake her. I have purposely made nary a noise or spectacle of myself, which is difficult for me to do, in general. I’ve simply worn Tie and pantomimed through my entire day in the house, while wearing my cape—without even once narrating what goes on in my head to Skitter, which is how I usually move through my day. Skitter probably thinks I’m giving her the proverbial silent treatment, which, I suppose— technically—I am. But the silence is for a good cause, which I will certainly explain to the mutt after Suzanne finally wakes up from her soporific state of being.😴

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Bow Tie o’ the Day sports molecules, and Face Mask o’ the Day is covered in mathematical symbols. Chemistry and math have never been great areas of interest to me. I do know enough about each to respect and appreciate those who work in fields requiring a keen understanding of each. Personally, most of my high school and college math was unnecessary for the needs of my adult life. Honestly, all I’ve ever needed to do is add and subtract from whatever amount is in my bank account. And the reality of that is that I mostly subtract. I know I am not alone in this.

So why molecule Bow Tie and math Face Mask? That’s easy. I am a chimpanzee when it comes to my clothing and accessories. Like a chimp, I am all about bright, shiny, busy things. I am distracted to the point of attraction to them.

BTW Yes, as you can see in the background of the photo, our Chuck Brown Christmas trees are still atop Suzanne’s Ultimate SewingBox. We are thinking about keeping them there year-round, where we can see them every day.