I’ve Been Called A Lot Of Things, But Never This

This morning my attire said I was feeling pixelated. This afternoon I seem to have been feeling a bit paisley-ated. I cannot sing the high praises of paisley nearly enough. Paisley is a hit wherever you find it. Tie o’ the Day’s paisles do a kind of blendy thing with my paisle-filled shirt. Apparently, I can blend on occasion without getting hives.

And the bigly news of recent days is this piece of information I learned from someone anonymously commenting on TIE O’ THE DAY: Whenever I post something about how we should all be kind and be good neighbors, or when I wear a t-shirt or face mask about unity, or being nice, or having empathy—when I do these things, it’s a secret code that means I’m a socialist/communist who hates democracy.

Yup, that’s what I was told. Wow! I had no idea I hated democracy! I had no idea I was using code words for socialism/communism! I’m glad somebody told me, or I never would have known how wrong I’ve been about all this “love your neighbor” malarkey I peddle. Here, I thought I was simply repeating the lessons I was taught in Sunday School and by my parents. Perhaps I should re-think my crazy values about kindness.


My Attire Speaks

You’ve heard the saying about how some people wear their heart on their sleeve. Well, I tend to wear mine on my whole shirt and Tie o’ the Day, and today I woke up feeling a touch pixelated. I wonder what that means. Guess I’ll find out.