Ready For Winter, I Guess

Got flannel Tie o’ the Day? Check! Got long-sleeved, flannel shirt? Check! Got flannel cap? Check! Got flannel Face Mask o’ the Day? Check!

I am officially ready for the chilly season ahead. Unlike squirrels, I did not gather and store any nuts during the harvest. But like any jolly bear with a 65-inch tv, I will be recliner-hibernating through the cold days and nights to come, as often as possible.

Sing Along With FogTie: “Slow Ride…Take It Easy…”

[It’s time for this re-post from October 2017. Enjoy.]It has happened to us all. You and Tie o’ the Day are cruisin’ in the fast lane on the freeway. Suddenly, you’re stuck behind a car traveling at a speed barely resembling motion. As you pass on the right, you see the driver:  Old Man In A Hat! Yep, that guy. He’s also known as Old Man Wearing His Waistband Around His Chest. Tie gets into roady rages at slow-driving geezers. Tie has a potty mouth 🚽 👄, and a bad finger too. 🏎 Bad Tie!