My New Glasses

Tie o’ the Day classes up this post, which is probably why I always wear neckwear. I quite like to be classied up.

My broken glasses were not reading glasses like Mom’s were. They were a pair of my regular spectacles. I think of them as driving glasses because I only desperately need them when I drive. That is a highly important reason to wear them, and I didn’t think it was a good idea to rig them up with some forgotten item from the junk drawer in the kitchen. (Don’t deny it. You have a junk drawer too.) I have to be completely honest. I need to wear my glasses if I want a clear look at anything which is more than twenty feet away from me. I can’t read with my glasses on, however. Anyhoo… It was time for me to get a new pair of “driving” glasses to keep me from being a danger to anyone’s road safety, and so I did.

I love this new pair! It weighs about the same as a pair of earrings. The lenses are teeny, but just bigly enough to serve their purpose. It feels as if I’m wearing contacts outside of my eyes. I’m able to read below and around the lenses, so I don’t need to keep taking off my glasses to read labels at the grocery store. It really makes me happy to not have to go to the trouble of taking my glasses off and putting them back on, over and over again, while grocery shopping.

In reality, it’s pretty pathetic that to put on/take off glasses seems like a bigly chore, and is a factor in my choice of glasses frame. Oh, dear! Someone better fan me with a palm frond soon. I’m feeling faint. Feed me grapes by hand as I lie here resting on this lounger. And most importantly, who died and made me Cleopatra the Entitled? I really must have my assistant send them a sympathy, thank you note from me.