The Photos That Never Were

This post answers a question I have no doubt you’ve lost sleep over: “Does Helen E. wear a bow tie when she swims?” Bow Tie o’ the Swimming-in-Arkansas reveals the obvious answer. Why, yes. Yes, I do.

Have I said I love my old-timey swimming suit lately? Love it, I do. I really could have worn it the entire vacation because of the high humidity. I was practically doggy-paddling through the water-logged air everywhere we went.

These pool photos aren’t all that exciting, although I did a whole program of entertaining swimming pool moves. It’s Suzanne’s fault there are no photos capturing my award-worthy, watery feats. Suzanne and I were bobbin’ around in the pool, and when she got out, I said it was time for her to take my TIE O’ THE DAY pix. I saw her sit on her lounger and pick up her phone. It was pointed in my direction. That was my cue. I popped up and out of the water like a porpoise a couple of times. I did a few bodybuilder poses while standing in the shallow end of the pool. I sang a wet YMCA and spelled it out with my arms exactly how you’re supposed to do it. I walked like an Egyptian. Suzanne’s phone was still pointing straight at me in the water.

However, when Suzanne grabbed her phone, she noticed a bigly bunch of text messages had come through. She promptly forgot about taking pix of me and my hijinks. Of course, I was unaware she was distracted by people who weren’t even in Arkansas. I assumed the phone in front of her face was snapping shots of my poses for all to see.

But no. Nope. No way. It turns out I spent a speshul twenty minutes in the pool being wacky and pleasantly buoyant, and I have no photographic evidence to show for it. When I got out of the pool to lounge on my lounger, Suzanne told me about the debacle. I headed back into the water and attempted to re-create my show. Suzanne was right there shooting pix of me this time, but our efforts were to no avail. I had worn myself out with my first performance. I had no obnoxious water-posing left in me, as you can plainly see.

Thinking about the no-photo session when Suzanne didn’t take pictures of me made me do something I rarely do. I got slightly embarrassed. I had been clowning around and splashing, and I was doing it in front of a crowd full of everyone’s attention but Suzanne’s, and she is always my target audience. Doh!

Oh well. My embarrassment did not last long. I feel bad Suzanne missed my Esther Williams-style production, but I most likely amused at least some of the other pool-goers. They’ll have stories to tell when they go back home. And, above all, I got to wear my stripey, old-timey swimming suit and swim in Bow Tie o’ the Swimming-in-Arkansas. Once again, I live a bigly life.

Adventures In Bipolarity And Guitars

I must apologize for the irregular posting this week. I have more Arkansas posts to write but I’ve had odd bipolar spells since I got home from our Ozarks vacation. My storyteller has gone kaput, temporarily I’m sure.

I tried to explain to Suzanne what my brain is doing, and the best I could come up with is this: it seems as if I can feel each and every one of my blood cells race through me, while simultaneously feeling the kind of exhaustion that will drag me to sleep if I sit down and close my eyelids for more than four seconds. It’s the worst of both poles. But this too shall pass, and so I’m fine.

Anyhoo… I’ll get back to sharing tidbits from our mountain redneck trip as soon as I can. But for right now, here are some pix from last night’s BAND OF HORSES concert at The Union, in SLC. Yeah, we saw them in April in Las Vegas, but we had to get another listen. Yeehaw! Solid performance, once again. The opening act was Nikki Lane, who twanged Suzanne into a tizzy. Suzanne does not do twang. Personally, I would have preferred to listen to the clever Kacey Musgraves, but I can’t complain. BAND OF HORSES speaks to me.

Horseshoe Bow Tie o’ the Concert made sure I brought along my Saddle Purse, which Suzanne was good enough to hold for our snapshots. The photo of me being blurry is a telling illustration of my agitated state of mind and body, with my manic blood cells doing their jigs and all.