I Know What You’re Thinking

Here it is Saturday, June 1st, and I thought I’d have a new haircut to show you. I’m sure you thought, or hoped, the same thing. It seems Miss Tiffany, mistress of my hairs, doesn’t work until Monday. I’m sorry for you and I’m sorry for myself that we have to endure my hairs the way they are for a couple more days. If I knew where Miss Tiffany lived I’d Uber me and my unclassy hairs right to her front door, and I would beg her to rid me of the offending hairs RIGHT NOW. I’d even bring the scissors.

In this photo, I and my Bow Tie’s o’ the Past are having a bald day with Momo, Zola Wright. Look at Momo’s Earrings o’ the Day! Momo had earrings like I have bow ties. Best. Grandma. Who. Lived. Next. Door. Ever!

This is how I’d like my new hairs to be for a while, but I can’t get the shaved-head idea past Suzanne again. She’s tolerated it twice over the decades, but I can tell she has done hit her top nerve about my having a bald head.

At Suzanne’s last haircut, Miss Tiffany asked her if I would let her cut my hairs any way she wants. You bet! So my first ‘do will be up to Miss Tiffany. She has tattoos, so I trust her taste in hairs. I will gladly put my head hairs in her hands. I hope my year-old hairs are not impossible to redeem.