
So how does a gal who is obsessed with ties show her neighbors she’s thinking of plans to rebel against her housewifely duties while she’s left unchaperoned for a couple of days? Well, she wears her James Dean Tie o’ the Day when she takes Skitter on a walkie to the mailboxes. And she does absolutely nothing productive around the house. That’s how a tiegirl shows her rebel-osity.

On My Own, Briefly

I’ve donned my spades wood Bow Tie o’ the Day, and aside from Bow Tie and Skitter, I’m on my own for a couple of days. This morning, Suzanne hit the road to Cedar City and St. George for a work assignment. What will I do, now that no one is here to keep me in line?

I’m an independent gal, but I can’t think of any bigly fun trouble I’m itching to get into. And I’m trying hard to come up with something to do, something edgy which I wouldn’t do with Suzanne around– something wild, but legal. I do not want Suzanne to have to bail me out of jail the minute she gets home. And Skitter doesn’t have enough money in her piggy bank to bail me out. Besides, Skitter’s money is for her Mission Fund.

I suppose I should be sensible and realize that if my plan requires me to do something I wouldn’t do if Suzanne were around, I probably shouldn’t do it at all. It wouldn’t be something that keeps me pointed in the direction I want my life to go. It’s almost like Suzanne is my Liahona (Mormon reference.). Really though, I’m my own Liahona. Over half a century, I’d like to think I have honed my Liahona skills. You really shouldn’t depend on another human being to be your main Liahona anyway. Others’ compasses can help you, to a certain degree, but you ultimately have to use your own. You are the only one who is ALWAYS with you. You are the only one who can aim you towards the exact place you want/need to be, at every moment of your existence. And that’s a lot of moments.

So I most likely won’t get myself sent to jail while Suzanne’s gone. Or ever. I don’t need laws to tell me what’s right or wrong, or which road to travel. I’ll be good, even if that means I’ll sometimes be boring.

But I am determined to rebel in some way today, so I will NOT do my chores. Deal with the dishes? Nope. Do the pile of laundry in the basket? Nope. Swiffer the floors? No way. Dust the baseboards? Nah. Pay bills? I should do that, but that’s the only bit of “housework” I’m gonna tackle today. Tomorrow, I will work my sore ribs off around the house before Suzanne returns late in the evening, and she’ll never know I declared today to be a Slug Day without her.

FYI Not to worry. Even though Suzanne is out of town, tomorrow is still Hairs Thursday. Suzanne did my hair last night, so it’s been photographed already.