Watching And Not Matching

I’m wearing some stripey clash for binge-watching MAJOR CRIMES. No, I am not watching the Super Bowl right now. There’s nothing political about why I’m not watching the game tonight. I just don’t care about it this year. I will probably decide to watch the last two minutes of the game. That’s usually all that really matters anyway. Unfortunately, the last two minutes of any NFL football game last at least a half-hour– due to timeouts, penalties, fake injuries, instant replays, and whatever other excuses the coaches and players can come up with to delay the game. But until the game is almost finished, the closest I’ll get to football is wearing the helmets and footballs on Tie o’ the Day.

Expensive Commercials. And A Football Game.

My bike helmet’s gotta be enough because I don’t own a football helmet. Bow Tie o’ the Day is clear. My feelings about Super Bowls are simple: First, the Seattle Seahawks should always be one of the teams in the Super Bowl. Second, if the New England Patriots or the Dallas Cowboys are in a Super Bowl, the other team should always win the game. That simple outcome will make the world a better place.