Howdy, tie-ophiles!

Tie o’ the Day welcomes y’all to an amorphous, alive adventure in Clash Fashion.

Shirt is by Bristol & Bull. Their shirts are catchy, but I do wish each cuff had the second hole, so a wearer could sport a pair of clever cuff links. The tie is a flowery design by pierre cardin, who clearly wanted to be like e. e. cummings. Just because the tie’s blooms are red, white, and blue, don’t go thinking I’m signifying any politics with this outfit. At least, not in this particular post.

The pairing of these two items is a mini-lesson in clash fashion: The tie must pop out visually from the shirt. A high pop-value is the major goal you’re reaching for if you are into this fashion trend. Well, “trend” isn’t the right word, since I’m the only person I actually know who dresses like this on purpose. Anyhoo…

This website is finally up and running, thanks to the magical Suzanne who gave birth to it. She was in labor with it far too long. And giving birth once is definitely enough for her–whether said birth is of a human or of a website. If she or I ever have the need to create another web page, we will be hiring a surrogate.

So Tie o’ the Day now has a spacious interwebby home, with a big yard and a wrap-around porch. But the ties and I will be unpacking and moving furniture around, so the tblog you see will be in flux for a while. And maybe a permanent flux, when all is said and done, is how this online endeavor can succeed in amusing and enlightening us.

Do not resist the Tie o’ the Day. Simon sez, “SUBSCRIBE”.