Yes, You Matter. So Do “They.”

I chose to wear a silky Ascot o’ the Day this afternoon. I have a few ascots and cravats in my collection, and they do matter. I can appreciate them for what they are, but they don’t resonate with my soul like bow ties or neckties. I can see the beauty in an ascot, but I can also see I’m not really an ascot kind of girl. But there’s room enough for different types of neckwear in the world. I let my little gaggle of ascots be whoever they were born to be, and we all do a pretty good job of getting along in the Tie Room. We share more in common than we get in each other’s way. It’s like that with human beings, too, if we shut out the rumors and simply get to know the people around us who might seem so different from ourselves. Now, I’m going to take some time to get to know my bow-tied cotton candy.

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