Yes, I Opine About Stuff



Of course, I’m wearing a Bugatchi–but a short-sleeved one. That is a rare thing to find. Tie o’ the Day #2 comes from a superb company called BOW TIE TUESDAY. The name does a good job of conveying the company’s mission. Or is the name really a form of propaganda to make us into bow tie sheep? You have to excuse me: these days, I am confused by what qualifies as fact/lie/conspiracy/Jason Chaffetz/science, etc.

Check out my knee socks and fish-belly-white legs in the pic below. Ah, what a warm-weathery day it has been! But you know dang well we’ll have at least one snowstorm in May. And we’ve still got this month and April to shiver through.

Get ready for the yearly news coverage of orchard owners worrying about their buds freezing. Oh, I worry about their livelihoods too. And I love the fresh fruit. But the tv news coverage is exactly the same every year. They could replay the same footage and interviews annually. So why does this get my attention to the point of bugging me?

Most journalists don’t investigate what lies beneath the surface of the stories they are responsible for telling. That’s their job, and we are supposed to be able to trust they will do said job. You know, like tell us something we don’t already know. We worry about crops freezing, but nobody seems to worry about the orchard workers and their families freezing (or roasting in the summer). So many of these women and men and children (yes, kids too) work more than full-time, in all weather, and still live far below the poverty level. In their ranks, you can always see the homeless, the addicted, the undocumented, the uneducated–if you dare look. Think what you will about farm/dairy/orchard laborers. But don’t say they don’t work hard, trying to find safety and freedom in the infinite America that you and I simply fell into. You and I are nothing extra special. You and I were just born lucky.

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