While I Sleep During My Operation

My appointment at Huntsman today was with the folks who will be administering anesthesia to me during my surgery. I want to keep anyone who has anything to do with my surgery happy—especially the anesthesia team. I want to keep them very, very happy. I figured the best way to keep them amused was to wear one of my most prized creative Bow Ties o’ the Day: my Star Wars-y Legos bow tie. I did my best to make a good first impression on them. I met with three different medical professionals during my single appointment, and I can verify that they all snickered and guffawed at Bow Tie. They each quizzed me about my neckwear collection, and seemed to understand most of my humor. I’m sure they will remember me and do their best to keep me conked out through the whole operation. And that was my goal when I got dressed this morning.

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