Where Pants Grow

Where there are wild golf pants, there must be wild golf shirts. And here’s the first loud golf shirt to live in my closet. I have always wanted a stained glass golf shirt, although I never knew it until I saw this one online last week. It’s all mine now. I suppose many golfers think of a golf course as their outdoor church. They show reverence to well designed courses they play, so a stained glass shirt fits right into that vibe. I’m partial to stained glass and the eloquent brightness it conjures. The golf part of crazy golf attire, I can take or leave.

Although I’ve only played it a handful of times over the years, I do like the golf course in Delta. I recommend swinging at a bucket of balls on the driving range, as the sun goes down. You’re hitting balls right into the most spectacular desert sunsets you’ll ever find: sherbet colors galore. Who cares if you lose sight of the ball you hit both ?! While playing the Delta course itself, the following have crossed my path at one time or another: rabbits, snakes, deer, dogs, cats, chukars, foxes, ground squirrels, mice, owls, antelope, Wolfenringer, and Sasquatch. It’s a happening place.

Oh, and most importantly, I’ve encountered coyotes on the course. My wiley Tie o’ the Day honors both the desert coyotes and my dad. Dad and those wild pups played tag with each other on a daily basis. 🏌️‍♀️🐇🐍🦌🐕🐈🐿🐁🦉

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