What’s “Hot” This Year?

Bow Tie o’ the Day is a glittered creme and gold piece. Ties o’ the Day are examples of a design trend in Christmas ties this year. Apparently, reindeer with neck coverings and holiday-lighted antlers are this year’s clever “in” fashion for necktie wear. Each reindeer in this photo sports a bow tie and/or a scarf. And strings of lights. Although these ties cover the same artistic ground, they are different enough from each other that I had to collect them all. One would not do.

For example, only the tie on the far left, gives us a penguin and candy cane antlers, as well as the bow tie and ugly sweater. The next tie presents us with a Christmas tree-shaped clump of antler lights, complete with a lighted star on top– and a pull switch for turning the lights off and on. Our next deer offers a unique, rounded bow tie. And our deer on the far right shows us a very very very very very very long green scarf– which was most likely crocheted by Suzanne. They– the ties, the reindeer– are the same, but they are also different. As we all are. Whoa! Don’t worry.

No, I’m not going to go into one of my sermons about how we need to recognize that we all have more in common than we have differences, so we need to be nicer to each other. I’m not going to go off on my compassion, peace, and charity rant. I’m not going to pontificate about how nobody ain’t better than nobody else. And I’m certainly not gonna go into anything about how Jesus said to love one another, and how that’s the greatest Commandment. Nope, I’m not going there. And I especially am not going to yammer on about how we’re our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers. It would be so cheesy of me to lay out all that sentiment during this time of year. I will not lecture you about “the reason for the season” bearing some bigly relation to this paragraph’s precepts– which I didn’t bore you with, because I didn’t talk about them.

HOLIDAY TIE TALLY: 24 Bow ties. 64 Neckties.

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