What I Did To Celebrate The 24th

To celebrate Pioneer Day, I grabbed my red hankie Face Mask o’ the Day and paired it with my deer-and-birds-etched-into-wood Bow Tie o’ the Day. I trekked to Cabela’s. I dragged Suzanne with me to stare at the store’s stuffed bear up high in the fake tree, and to find a stuffed coyote to remind me of Dad. We have no bigly vacations scheduled for the near future, so Cabela’s seemed like a good enough choice as any for an afternoon getaway. There was plenty of hand sanitizer throughout the store, and most folks were wearing masks and social-distancing.

I have discovered a secret positive about mask-wearing. Since the wearin’ o’ the masks began, I have not had to deal with the bad breath of anyone who engages me in conversation. If the masks do nothing else (and they do plenty), their ability to keep other people’s stinky breath from attacking me is reason enough for me to almost wish we all had to wear masks forever. 😜

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