We Interrupt TIE O’ THE DAY For An Important Message

My new magnetic wood Bow Tie o’ the Day’s design reminds me of an abacus. As far as face masks go, this paisley Face Mask o’ the Day is luscious with its rich hues. Think of a mask as just one more clothing accessory through which you can express your inner whatever-ness you might want to share with the masses. Masks might become a staple in my dressing style if I can keep finding funky ones.

Hey, folks! Y’all are so good to me. If I don’t post for more than a couple of days, some of you message me with concerns about my well being (I’m ok.) or to make sure Mom’s still thriving in MCR lockdown (Mom continues to entertain the troops.). I appreciate your humanity. This tblog is about much more than neckwear, and y’all truly understand that. So thanks.

I haven’t been able to write a cogent post for the last five days. This post is your FYI that I need to take some more time off. Yes, it’s because of my stoopid bipolar head. I can never predict when my head is going to bench me or for how long. No worries. I will be okay. As you longtime readers know, this is routine for me, and I learned a long time ago to not panic about it. I tread water through my head’s craziness, and the crazy eventually subsides. I’ve temporarily disappeared from here before, and I’ll likely have to do it again. That’s just the chemistry of my brain. Rest assured that TIE O’ THE DAY will return as soon as it can. Could be in a day, in a week, or in 15 minutes. Thanks for your concern and for your patience. When I can rein in my brain again, I shall resume my mission of spreading the ties-and-kindness gospel while making a clown of myself for y’all. Be good.

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