We Interrupt Our Holiday Tie Posts For This Important Milestone

Our Tie o’ the Day in this photo belongs to my niece, the dapper Amanda Jo Tucker—which is a name she is generally not known by. She has always been called Mimi. Mimi belongs to my oldest sister, BT/Mercedes and Nuk. Like me, she is the baby of her family. Like me, she is the 5th of 5 siblings. Mimi and I have been tight since the Pre-existence, when were were often caught together laughing way too loudly and making the other spirits laugh louder than that. I refer to her as my Wee Doppelganger. We share interests, humor, and cultural knowledge of things before our time and beyond our years. I tell y’all these things because I am flat-out proud of Mimi’s latest accomplishment. As of a couple of days ago, Mimi achieved 6 years of sobriety. Clap now! And clap loudly! 👏🏻 And Mimi, I will tell you what I sometimes have to tell myself: “You can have a drink tomorrow.” Fortunately, it is always today. 🥛

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