They’re Surprisingly Tasty

A day before my surgery was cancelled, a package showed up at my front door. It was from Becca Crane. I have never met her, but she has been a regular TIE O’ THE DAY reader for years. The package she sent was full of movies and treats, meant for me to indulge in during my post-surgery recovery. When the surgery was postponed, I had a dilemma: do I indulge in the movies and treats right now, or do I wait until after my surgery—whenever the heck it is re-scheduled? I decided I would show restraint and wait. Well, it’s been a few weeks now since the care package showed up, and today I gave in to my curious sweet tooth. Cork Bow Tie o’ the Day and I scrounged through the treats contained in the package and found this BOX OF BOOGERS among the offerings. For whatever reason, boogers sounded like just the thing for my breakfast this morning. I don’t know exactly what that says about me, but it does say that my never-met pal, Becca, knows me very well.🤡

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