Takin’ Baby Dog Steps

Patriotic Bow Tie o’ the Day is as perplexed as I am about why Veterans Day was yesterday, but it is officially observed today.

It is one of my personal pet peeves that often if a holiday falls on a Sunday, we don’t observe it on that day. If a certain date is designated important enough to make it a holiday, we owe it to that important event– and to the folks who were part of it– to observe it on that specific date. If the holiday falls on a Sunday, honor it in a Sunday kind of way. Simple.

Ok, my rant about Sunday holidays is complete. Or not.  I hope the reason for celebrating a holiday on Monday when it falls on a Sunday isn’t just to get a three-day weekend out of it. Now that would be disrespectful– especially in the case of Veteran’s Day. Ok, now my rant is truly over.

And now, a different subject. Currently, in our house, we are celebrating two of Skitter’s accomplishments, both of which she happened to do on Saturday. These may seem like no big deal to you, but remember that Skitter rescued us after she had been severely abused and then abandoned. After five years with us, she is still quite skittish and wary of the world. But we think she might be coming farther out of her dog shell.

The first of Skitter’s two accomplishments occurred when I took her leash off its hook to take her outside for a walk to the mailbox. For the first time ever, she got excited at the sound of that leash. She bounded off her bed, danced around in a circle, and pounded my thigh while she stood on her hind legs. And then she actually stood still, waiting for me to clip on her leash. I’ve never had to force The Skit to go for a walk, but she’s never acted like she particularly liked it either. This new development is humongous. Skitter conquered this milestone we never thought she would. If she hadn’t done it in the previous five years with us, we figured it was never going to happen. I am not exaggerating when I tell you that I broke down and cried about Skitter’s new progress.

Skitter’s second bigly accomplishment happened when we went for our second walk o’ that day. Hold onto your hats! You better sit down! This is huge! As soon as her paws hit the grass at the park,…… wait for it!….. SKITTER PEED WHILE WE WERE ON A WALK! Skitter has never peed anywhere except on our property. Can you believe it took five years of Skitter’s living in a secure, loving home– where she is spoiled to the moon and back– for her to have the courage to pee in the great outdoors of the city? I admit it: I broke down and cried for the second time that day.

I’m such a sappy gal.

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