So Much For Saving Time And De-cluttering

Festive-colors Bow Tie o’ the Day is doing nothing but saying to me, over and over, “I told you so.” Yesterday, when I was tidying the garage, I came across a storage bin whose contents I’ve been meaning to get rid of for about a zillion years: music cd’s. Actually, we have two more bins full of cd’s that need to go. But I must first transfer all the tunes to the computer before I can set the cd’s out to pasture.

Anyhoo… I was all hyped up about finally getting the urge and the energy to get the de-cluttering o’ the music done. I figured if I dedicated the whole day to the project, I’d never have to spend time and effort on it again. And we’d have three fewer storage bins in the garage.

I picked up the bin and headed into the house, when suddenly… OH to the HELL NO! Something in my gut screamed at me. But did I put the bin down immediately? No. I figured I was just using a flabby, loud, muscle I hadn’t used since my Hanky Panky surgery. All this hefting and toting would surely help me get me back in shape. I figured once I got the bins o’ music upstairs to the computer, I’d just walk the strain off while I loaded music. I got a total of one of the three bins upstairs.

I have mentioned before that my IQ is kinda high. Yesterday, apparently, my IQ was missing in action. I’m human so sometimes I slip out of IQ gear, and get stuck in Stubborn gear. I blame it on an old clutch under my hood.

And that is why I am sitting in my living room on this beautiful Thursday morning doing absolutely less than nothing, and unable to get comfortable. I have things to do, people. But it is a forced Pajama Day for me.

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